If you didn’t notice a review the other week for the wonderful ‘Whisper E.P.’ on
Chaffinchrecords then don’t fret. ‘Cos we missed it like a bunch of retarded gannets due to the sheer influx of Xmas shagging records & this sweet 4 track gem was buried in the kerfuffle & confined to the deepest recesses of the stockroom. Ironic, as the sleeve features a lost dog in a quarry with one of those lampshades round It’s head that keeps mangy mutts from scratching all their fur off when they get nits. Or summat. Ask yer vet. ANYHOO, without FURTHER ADO, this dew-eyed beauty features an absolute blinder from
Lucky Luke (a priceless psych-Celt folk odyssey that’s exclusive as it was missed, criminally off Patrick The Survivor) Unfortunately Fat Thailand scoffing Barry has lost the press sheet so I cannae say much more aside from there’s also folkin’ excellent tracks from
King Creosote, Immigrant & South Downs. Ignore everything else this week & buy this almost flawless comp 7″ (that’s only if you only have a few quid after buying all yer crack ‘n’ ciggies @ crimbo).
Norman Records – January 2006
Four act EP (sadly not on well yummy custard yellow vinyl but attractively presented nonetheless) featuring Beard’s favourite Fifer
King Creosote taking his band for a jolly country ramble.
Lucky Luke’s Please Bomb Slough was left off their album (perhaps due to its atypical lo-fi drum loop) but it’s one of their best, a dark beauty that slowly unfolds in a Hebridean breeze of flute, saxophone and rumbling toms. The (?)non-Scottish acts are equally fine, with
South Downs contributing some lovely folk-pop melded with harmonies and harmonium and
Immigrant enchanting with the slow burning hum of
The Violet Flame.
Stewart Smith, The Beard – #5 Winter 2005
Creosote offer a lovely jaunty new song to this four-track new-folk EP, but it’s the sinister, Wicker Man chanting of Lucky Luke that shines brightest.
John Earls, Planet Sound – September 2006
4 lovely tracks here. Singer songwriter material with heaps of meloncholic overtones in the wonderful melodies. I particularly love the use of the harmonium on the inside side. beautiful…..
I loved the
Lucky Luke album so there was no hesitation in getting this EP. ‘Please Bomb Slough’ is a broody nest of nu-folk twigs upon a slightly rhumba-ish branch. Not sure about the title. ‘Please Bomb Slough’ – isn’t that incitement to terrorism under section 72 of the new Dontfuckwivus Act. (Then again 500 7″ singles is hardly an incitement to anything, as my Gran always used to chuckle.) I think I know what they’re getting at though. Slough represents materialism, the urban, the suburban, the modern, the breakdown of community, the vulgar, the corporatisation of the high street, the Americanisation of culture, an uninspired youth, the devaluation of human endeavour, the new slavery, the pointlessness of a satellite town, the distribution centre, the easy access to the M4, the industrial estate, the death of hope, repetition and process. Slough is everywhere. It’s not just Slough. And somehow I don’t think folk rock is gonna save us but, hey, it’s worth trying. Do people ever gig in Slough? I wonder if
Lucky Luke had a bad experience there or something. It would tie it all up. Anyway, this EP is on the new Chaffinch imprint and contains other stuff: including a rather chirpy song by
South Downs and a skybound organ number by
*I’ve just been informed that the incitement to bomb Slough is in fact a reference to Betjeman. Once again my ignorance of 20th Century verse has left me exposed and ashamed. But then you’re dealing with someone here who thought The Wasteland was written by Paul Weller and, once, when my poet friends were discussing Dylan I thought they were talking about Bob Dylan – whoever he was.
Review by Wide Open Road. January 2006. www.angelfire.com/indie/wideopenroad
For the love of music! Not too many labels still put out music…for the love of music. And that’s why U.K. based Chaffinch Records is such a little gem. Releasing various artists EP’s, and a little EP by a nobody artist named Anthony Reynolds (Jack!!!), these guys might not be making a huge splash, but they definitely deserve your attention. The Whisper is a 7″ vinyl EP limited to only 500 copies. And if you think for a moment that small quantities proves it must not be worth your time, you’re a bloody idiot (MakeMineMusic and VelvetBlueMusic are 2 wonderful examples of this). Lucky Luke is the first of the 4 artists that show up on this EP. The price of the EP would be worth it for the slow and haunting “Please Bomb Slough” alone.
A very talented and understated band we should hear more of. King Creosote’s “6 Ups and Over” sounds like an obscure folkish jam, with vocals filtered to the background as acoustic guitars and brushed drums dominate the soundscape. “Something Inside” by South Downsbleeds of its influence. An endearing cross between Paul McCartney and Elliott Smith echoes through the air, as lo-fi melodic drones fill out the remaining headspace. The fourth and final artist to contribute to this EP is Immigrant, with “The Violet Flame”. Featuring an organ as the song’s base, a dry tenor sleepily follows a monotone melody to its bitter end.
For those serious indie music lovers, you should become familiar with Chaffinch Records. They put out music that’s worth your while.
The Black And White Magazine